Like most interactive web sites NL Space Campus’s website uses cookies to enable us to retrieve user details for each visit. Cookies are used in some areas of our site to enable the functionality of this area and ease of use for those people visiting.

Google Analytics

In order to better match our website to the needs of our visitors (where are you looking for, which pages are well-visited and which ones do not etc.) we use Google Analytics. We hereby process personal information from our visitors with cookies. To ensure that your privacy is protected, we have taken the 4 steps (measures) required by our Personal Data Protection Act (Wbp):

  • We have concluded an editorial agreement with Google
  • We have chosen to mask the last location of the IP address
  • We turned off β€˜share data’
  • We do not use other Google services in conjunction with the Google Analytics cookies

If you have questions, click here to send us an email.